Redesigning Digital Health Tools
Client: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Role: As a consultant with the UNODC, I was the lead for this project for 6 months and was responsible for conducting design research, leveraging insights from patients and stakeholders, and re-designing the RTM by integrating design thinking methodologies.
Timeframe: April to August 2017
Location: Mombasa, Kenya
Tools: Ethnographic research, in-depth interviews, workshop facilitation, stakeholder engagement, prototyping, user testing.
Context: UNODC operates a Drug Rehabilitation Program along coastal Kenya, which supports People Who Use Drugs (PWUD). PWUD are considered among Kenya’s key population or most-at-risk populations because they have significantly higher HIV prevalence rates compared to the general population. The objective of the program is to reduce HIV morbidity and mortality among people who use drugs and people who inject drugs in Kenya by enhancing access to comprehensive HIV prevention care and support through the service delivery of the Medically Assisted Therapy (MAT) program in the Coast Region.
Challenge: Since the launch of the project, UNODC has faced challenges with reporting real time and accurate data from the field that can assist in informing strategic and policy decisions. UNODC has been interested in creating and implementing a digital application that collects, analyzes, and shares relevant indicators with its partners.
How might we improve the ‘real time’ and accuracy of data that is collected and aggregated between health clinics and civil society organizations to inform strategic decision making across multi-stakeholders?